400 RSF | 1086 Broadway | Laree Luxury Beauty Salon

400 RSF | 1086 Broadway | Laree Luxury Beauty Salon

Laree Hair Collection crafts luxurious virgin hair and custom wigs for women who want quality hair they can depend on for years. Each piece is created with attention to detail and is silky smooth.

Be sure to stop into Laree Hair Collection‘s store located in Bushwick or order bundles online!

Congrats to Tri State Commercial’s phenomenal agent Vlad Kotsek.

Located near the Kosciuszko St J train station. A few steps from the B46, B47, B38 bus service. Neighboring tenants include Rainbow, Chase Bank, Dunkin’ Donuts.

Property Type: Retail
Total Space Rented: 400 RSF
Building Size: 23,753 SF
Complete Address: 1086 Broadway, Brooklyn, NY 11221



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